Italy / Greece - July 5

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Finding solitude in the holiest of all places

No matter what your religious beliefs are, you can't help but feel a deep spiritual connection when entering Italy's most sacred landmark: The Vatican, capital a Catholicism and the wold's smallest state. Our normally lively (and talkative) group was uncharacteristically quiet as our tour guide explained life at the Vatican -- both today and in centuries past. Awe-stricken, we admired the masterpieces of St. Peter's Cathedral, including Michelanelo's glorius Sistine Chapel, and were later honored to meet with a ranking Catholic priest who answered all our questions, and then with a member of the Swiss guard, whose vital mission is to protect the Pope.


  1. Lex,

    Maybe when I can get to Rome you can show me around. The Vatican seems amazing.

    Love you and miss you!!

  2. The Vatican is an amazing place - so glad to hear you enjoyed it!


Programs Details

Duration 15 days
When July 5 - 19, 2010
Focus Conservation Biology
Earth Science/Volcanology